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Talent Accelerator





It's time for a new kind of leader

Most leaders are fine.
But in a world that continues to grow more complex, more challenging and less predictable, fine is just not good enough.
We need leaders who are grounded in strong core values and purpose, yet also maintain an openness to new people, ideas and experiences.
These leaders are game changers. They prioritize truth over comfort. They see the world for what it is, not what they want to be. They seek the best answers, not the easiest or most convenient. And, they reach extraordinary levels of success.
I call them Expansive Leaders.

What it's like to work with me

"Every CEO needs a coach. And Judy Sims changed my life this year. Great coaches don't validate; they expand your perspective, challenge deeply held beliefs and support you in getting unstuck. Huge gratitude to Judy who pushed me to become a better version of myself.


I've had many coaches and Judy is damn exceptional. If you're looking for a nuanced take on leadership and are willing to really get pushed outside the box, reach out to Judy. She's authentic, sharp, funny, and has a passion for purpose."

"There are coaches, and then there is Judy Sims.


Judy has played a transformative role in my life as a coach, confidant, and guide.


She approached our coaching relationship with lively energy and grace, and she has an amazing ability to dive into any challenge you bring her and immediately understand all the dynamics at lay.


I am eternally grateful for the thoughtful sessions with Judy"

Vinod rajasekaran
Publisher & CEO, Future of Good

Juvarya veltkamp
Senior Advisor, C40 Cities

"Judy started working with the Little Canada leadership team in late 2020. We are a start up with processes still being defined and new leaders tackling complex and stressful day to day challenges. 17 members of our team participated in the training and every person benefited from those sessions. We look at situations using a different lens now, collaborate more efficiently and value truth over comfort.


We are extremely happy we were able to extend our partnership with Judy and look forward to working with her again.

"Judy is clear-sighted and intuitive. She helps her clients find the best path forward, and supports them on the steep ascent."

Karen mazurkewich
VP Strategic Communications, MaRS Discovery District

"Every person on my management team gave Judy glowing reviews. She's approachable, insightful and has had a lasting impact on their career development."

Leigh billinghurst
Fmr Director, People, Culture & Wellness, Little Canada

Nancy Peterson

CEO, HomeStars

The Expansive Leadership Framework
1. Stop. Assess. Align.
Discovering and asserting authentic power through the development of strong core values and purpose.
2. Listen and Observe.
Understanding the people we work with and the systems we work within.
3. Let Go.
Releasing what's no longer working.
4. Co-create.
Learning to sense and enable emergence through generative listening, the power of "We can, if..." and integrative thinking.
5. Say Yes.
Committing to Unstuck Leadership as a practice.
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